Have an upcoming Corporate Retreat or Conference? Our Keynote Presentation is focused on using DISC as the foundation for developing Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence and can be customized to the specific need or theme of the event.


Our Introductory Presentation is a 90-minute dynamic presentation designed for companies interested in introducing the DISC and Soft Skills concepts as well as basic application, without the commitment of an in-depth training program. This Presentation will allow your employees the opportunity to understand the concept and begin to create a culture of Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence until such time that a more comprehensive training program can be implemented. This Presentation is packed with information presented in a matter that is guaranteed to keep the participants engaged throughout the entirety of the presentation. It is one of the most powerful, entertaining and enlightening presentations you will ever experience.

Ideally all participants should complete an online assessments prior to attending the presentation.


HR Soft Skills was founded by Pete Cabrera who has more than 30 years experience in the field of Human Resources. HR Soft Skills is dedicated to improving workplace performace and satisfaction by offering training and consulting in the areas of sales, Managent and Leadership. HR Soft Skills uses the latest, most innovative research validated tools available in the market combined with over 20 year of eperience. Our progam will orivide you and your employees the knowledge, as well as the action plan, to ensure daily implementation and produce desired results.

HR Soft Skills © 2025. All rights reserved. Design by Felamedia