HR Soft Skills was founded by Pete Cabrera who has more than 30 years experience in the field of Employee Benefits and Human Resources and of those 20 years has also included conducting Organizational Development seminars for his clients. HR Soft Skills is dedicated to improving workplace performance and satisfaction by offering training and consulting in the areas of Sales, Management and Leadership.  HR Soft Skills uses the latest, most innovative research validated tools available in the market combined with over 20+ years of experience

HR Soft Skills uses DISC as the foundation to teach Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence in all our services. From our dynamic introductory presentation that guarantees to maintain audiences engaged, laughing and reflecting the entire time. To our in-depth classroom training workshops utilizing the most advanced online behavioral style assessments and personalized profile reports available in the market today, to our one-on-one personal consultations.

Our program will provide you and your employees the knowledge, as well as the action plan, to ensure daily implementation and produce desired results.


First, the key to our success is our ability to take a complicated subject and make it simple. Our training platform and concepts are designed in way that are simple to understand, implement, apply, and commit to memory, ensuring greater success and visible results.


Second, recognizing that your employee’s personal lives has a tremendous impact on their workplace performance, HR Soft Skills takes corporate training to a totally new place: Home. We make available tools to your employees so they can apply DiSC® at Home allowing them improve their personal quality of life thus improving their workplace performance.

As the Executive for world-wide publicly traded company stated; “What happens at home impacts relationships and productivity and work. And by talking about DiSC® with their spouses, they internalize the information even more. It’s a win-win in my book.”


Besides their experience and dynamic approach, our team’s experience in both the corporate as the personal dimension of your employees’ lives makes us uniquely qualified to bring this comprehensive approach to your workplace.


HR Soft Skills was founded by Pete Cabrera who has more than 30 years experience in the field of Human Resources. HR Soft Skills is dedicated to improving workplace performace and satisfaction by offering training and consulting in the areas of sales, Managent and Leadership. HR Soft Skills uses the latest, most innovative research validated tools available in the market combined with over 20 year of eperience. Our progam will orivide you and your employees the knowledge, as well as the action plan, to ensure daily implementation and produce desired results.

HR Soft Skills © 2025. All rights reserved. Design by Felamedia